About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Ducere is a scholarly rolling pass, peer-reviewed open access journal. The journal aims to publish research studies and opinions about topics related to didactics, teacher training, intercultural education and pedagogical practice. Ducere doesn't have article processing charges. The journal is published by the Human Science Faculty of Universidad Arturo Prat (UNAP), Chile since 2023.

The journal publishes original works that are the result of rigorous research processes and systematization of pedagogical experiences. It is aimed at researchers, professors and undergraduate and postgraduate students linked to the educational field. Ducere is an open access, rolling pass, double-blind peer review journal.

Section Policy

Ducere consists of an Editorial of the issue and/or the thematic Dossier and Scientific Articles, results of research or studies and/or review (as part of a dossier or intended for the open section of the journal).

The papers published in Ducere are subjected to a preliminary review process at the hands of the Editorial Board, which considers the thematic relevance and adaptation to the Journal's Norms. The acceptance or rejection, in this instance, will be informed opportunely to the author(s).


Peer Review Process

Secondly, the evaluation process is carried out by peers (peer review, double-blind system), which guarantees the quality of each of the contributions. The evaluators have an external character, that is, they are foreign to the editorial committee of the journal and the publishing institution.

The peer review process takes a maximum of 6 months.

Once the evaluations and comments of the peers and the editors have been received, the article can be:

1. Accepted without modification

2. Accepted with minor corrections

3. Accepted with major corrections

4. Rejected with invitation to resend

5. Rejected without invitation to resend

If the manuscript is Accepted with both minor and major corrections, the author has 20 business days to resubmit the article. Once the modifications have been received, the author(s) will have a definitive response of acceptance or rejection within 10 business days.

Articles signed by a maximum of five authors will be allowed, and collective or corporate authors will not be accepted.

It is important to note that Ducere keeps the reception of original manuscripts open throughout the year.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Therefore, all the contents of the Journal are freely accessible and are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


Publication frequency

Ducere has a continous publication (rolling pass). In other words, once a paper has been accepted, it is published in the current issue of the journal.


Publication Languages

This journal accepts submissions written in Spanish and English.


Plagiarism and originality report

All submissions are assessed on Turnitin in order to detect plagiarism. The journal accepts submissions with a similarity index no more than 25%. If the submission has a similarity index higher than 25%, the authors have the opportunity to reduce it.


Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The publication of an article in the peer-reviewed scholarly journal Ducere is a process of permanent knowledge improvement.  The journal encourages open publishing digital articles. Additionally, it considers its duty to promote the transmission of scientific knowledge, ensuring its rigor and quality, under the ethical commitment of the scientific and academic communities. The protocols and guidelines described make reference to the Code of Conduct for editors of scientific journals that established the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ducere is committed to promoting ethical conduct as a scientific publication and to ensuring that editors, peer reviewers, and authors respect ethical principles and good scientific practices during all phases of the editorial process.

Duties and responsibilities of editors

a.- Ducere's editorial team guarantees transparency in the evaluation, editing and publication processes of each issue.

b.- The editorial team will maintain anonymity between reviewers and authors throughout the process.

c.- The queries and clarifications requested by authors, reviewers or any person interested in Ducere will be answered promptly.

d.- The team of editors will select the most pertinent reviewers with experience in the topic of the article.

e.- The team of editors are committed to complying with the time limits for the revisions and publication of the accepted papers and in this way ensure the rapid dissemination of the results of the investigations of those who publish in Ducere.

About authors and authorship

a.- Articles sent to Ducere must be original and unpublished.

b.- The authors assign to the journal the right of first publication and dissemination of their article.

c.- The author declares that he has not made a multiple / repetitive submission of his article to other publications.

d.- The bibliographical references must be indicated correctly and completely and the authors agree to correctly cite all the original sources that they consult in their article.

e.- When an error or inaccuracy has been identified in an article, the author must inform and provide the necessary information for corrections to the Ducere editorial team.

f.- The author undertakes to review the most current and prominent academic literature on the subject he is investigating and on which his article is concerned.

g.- All authors are required to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.

About peer reviewers

a.- The peer reviewers will be the ones who decide if an article meets the conditions to be published or not. Your evaluation will be based on expert judgment, and will be informed by guidelines established by Ducere.

b.- The reviewers assume the commitment to carry out a critical and constructive review, within the canons of scientific quality.

c.- The review by blind peers will be carried out objectively, in addition, that their opinion does not contain any personal judgment.

c.- The peer reviewer must inform when there are conflicts of interest, either because they have an opinion or interest of a personal or financial nature that could affect their objectivity in their evaluation, and must refrain from participating in the editorial process.

d.- Peer reviewers undertake to respect the principle of confidentiality, refraining from disclosing what they have read to agents external to Ducere.

e.- The peer reviewers will never know the authors and will not have any knowledge of the identity of the other blind pair.

f.- The peer reviewer must notify the editors in the event of problems in delivering the evaluation on time.

g.- Peer reviewers who agree to participate in the editorial process as peer reviewers will do so without receiving payment in return.


Ducere  should respond promptly to complaints.
In any case, if the individuals involved are unable to satisfy their claims, they have the right to raise their protests to higher authorities.

Protecting individual data
Ducere  guarantees the confidentiality of individual information. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain authorizations to publish images and trademarks used in their work, and any other personal data (e.g. age, sex, social status of study participants).

Monitoring malpractice
Ducere  accepts the obligation to act accordingly in cases of suspected malpractice or misconduct. Any manuscripts that raise questions about possible misconduct will be rejected.
Ducere  will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the manuscripts submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.

Integrity and academic rigor
Any time a published article is suspected of containing major misstatements or misleading or distorted information, it must be corrected immediately.
Any manuscript whose content is found to be fraudulent will be removed immediately from the indexing systems and it will not be available for reading.

Any author, reader or reviewer may send complaints by email to Ducere: [email protected]


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Archiving and digital preservation policy

Ducere  allows self-archiving of accepted and published manuscripts. Authors retain copyright ownership and may archive pre-published or post-published versions or publisher's pdf versions in personal or institutional repositories or libraries at any time without the express permission of the journal or publisher.

Authors of articles published in Ducere have the right to deposit accepted or published versions of manuscripts in institutional repositories. Authors may make them publicly and immediately available upon citation as the site where they were originally published.

Ducere  participates in the Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PLN) digital preservation that allows for long-term digital preservation should the journal go offline. The LOCKSS programme allows for decentralised and distributed preservation of long-term access to manuscripts. It also allows for the digital preservation of authentic versions of manuscripts.