The profesional identity in the kindergarten educators of the Tarapacá region, Chile




Professional identity, kindergarden education, beliefs


This article studies the factors that influenced the construction of the profesional indentity of a group of educators from the Tarapacá region. To know the components that influenced, we point out three dimensions, which seek to deepen how educators perceive their identity as a profesional in initial education was built, according to their experiences and interactions throughout their life, training or practice as educators in different contexts and realities. The applied methodology was qualitative and the collection of information was carried out through a structured interview. The research was carried out only on women, because in this región there is no knowledge or record of men practicing the profesión to be to apply this study. Despite the fact that the educators work in different settings, there are common lines of thought the work carried out in Early Childhood Education to a greater extent. Motivation, vocation and lived experiences are the main factors that influence the construction of the profesional identity of educators, which is consolidated and enriched through both personal and profesional development, so it is in constant construction and evolution.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Michea, K., & Madrid Nuñez, Y. (2022). The profesional identity in the kindergarten educators of the Tarapacá region, Chile. Ducere. Revista De Investigación Educativa, 1(1), e202216.



Original Research Paper