Designing good problems for the Mathematics class




Mathematics Education, problem design, contextualized problems, interdisciplinarity, Mathematical modeling


We present and support some criteria that should be taken into account in the design of good problems for the mathematics class, as well as for its management by the teacher. These criteria arise from the analysis of official documents for the teaching of Mathematics and from research on the design of tasks for the classroom. The proposed criteria imply initiating a process of questioning about mathematical knowledge and school mathematical knowledge, which is synthesized by asking ourselves, why should I teach this con- tent, are there other ways of teaching in this context and for this engineering career, what problems are more appropriate for this career, and avoiding the reproduction of models that, surely, were present in our previous training. Finally, we offer 5 examples of problems that meet these criteria, the didactic intentions and the way in which the teacher could manage the class.


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How to Cite

Pochulu, M. (2022). Designing good problems for the Mathematics class. Ducere. Revista De Investigación Educativa, 1(1), e202207.



Original Research Paper