Cryptography: a Theme of Interest in the High School Mathematics Curriculum




Themes of interest, cryptography, high school, mathematical contents


This paper discusses the importance of developing work with themes throughout the High School Mathematics Curriculum, presenting the topic Cryptography as a didactic possibility to explore a set of problem situations involving mathematical contents. The choice of the topic Cryptography was due to its relevance, since it is used in different situations of modern life, whether in electronic audits, electronic payment authentication, digital financial transactions, security of confidential digital data, among others. In this way, the objective is to present the topic Cryptography as a generator of didactic situations applicable in the Mathematics curriculum, enabling the review and deepening of the under- standing of mathematical concepts. As a result of the research carried out, a set of activities is presented that explore the theme and its applications, as well as didactic activities to introduce, exercise, review and deepen the contents of arithmetic, functions and matrices.


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How to Cite

Olgin, C. de A. (2022). Cryptography: a Theme of Interest in the High School Mathematics Curriculum. Ducere. Revista De Investigación Educativa, 1(1), e202209.



Original Research Paper