Autonomous learning of a foreign language: A case study in Secondary School




Autonomy, Self-regulation, Metacognition, Motivation, Teacher-student relationship


The purpose of this classroom research was to evaluate an English course based on the promotion and development of student autonomy. The study was mixed in nature, had a case study design and was carried out with 31 participants in the tenth grade of secondary school in a public context. The data collection instruments were surveys, focus groups and field diaries. The results indicate that students were able to determine the factors that promote autonomy and increased the frequency of use in all autonomous behaviors studied. A significant investment of Spanish class time was required for course development, which undermined progress in the Spanish teaching-learning process. This research experience is an exercise in reflection on how self-regulation, motivation, the teacher-student relationship and metacognitive strategies promote the development of autonomous behaviors that every teacher in public or private contexts must consider. The research allowed the recognition of the scope of work reported in other studies and established three pillars for autonomy: The student, the class and the teacher. The scope of this intervention is related to the identification of effective teaching-learning strategies to promote autonomy in English.


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Author Biography

Martha Isabel Duque Cuéllar, Institución Educativa Titán

Licenciada en Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad del Valle (Cali-Colombia). Magíster en Estudios Interlingüísticos e Interculturales de la Universidad del Valle (Cali-Colombia). Candidata a Doctora en Educación de la Universidad Arturo Prat de Chile. Docente de español e inglés (área de humanidades) en la institución educativa Titán perteneciente al sector público en Colombia y adscrita a la secretaría de educación del municipio de Yumbo. Experiencia laboral de 18 años en el sector oficial y 10 años en el sector privado. Gestora de procesos literarios en español y de proyectos de aula en torno al aprendizaje autónomo del inglés como lengua extranjera.


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How to Cite

Duque Cuéllar, M. I. (2023). Autonomous learning of a foreign language: A case study in Secondary School. Ducere. Revista De Investigación Educativa, 2(1), 202303.



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