Towards Posthystory




Modernity, oblivion, spectacle, society, ideology, memory


This article is a portrayal of the historical discipline facing a crucial problem,  regarding the facts that it analyzes and the  reason for its analysis. This is due to the fact  that the reality has led to a  deconstruction of the concept of time, as  traditionally understood. In this sense, the  linearity and consistency of historical facts,  vanished in the midst of a society that  “stores oblivion” and has the present time  as a function of the future. Therefore, the  past is permanently devalued. Human  reality is full of facts, but nowadays they  tend to be consumed rather than living,  creating a permanent oblivion. Then, there  exist an insertion within a context in which  reality is permanently disassociated from  ideologies, which were the expression of a  time of strong and stable structures. On this  basis, many authors propose the  concept of liquid modernity, unstable,  where life staved in and developed a “strike  of events” so that the time marked by  ideology, as experienced in the XX century -  has given way to the imperialism of the  administrative and to the world of technical  implementation, leading to structure a story  that needs not to be thought, but  implemented and managed based on the  results, based on the ideology of the  market.


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How to Cite

Rivera Olguin, P., & Fabregat Peredo, M. (2022). Towards Posthystory. Ducere. Revista De Investigación Educativa, 1(1), e202203.



Original Research Paper