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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it currently under consideration for publication or under review by another journal.
  • The submitted file has been prepared in Microsoft Word format.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • I've read and followed the additional instructions.
  • I have read and signed the copyright and licensing agreement.
  • The references within the manuscript are properly formatted, following the guidelines of the APA 7th edition style.
  • The manuscript has been prepared for submission through this platform and not via email.
  • The theme, focus, and scope of the manuscript align with research (empirical, theoretical, or review) specific to the field of education, meeting the expectations of the journal.
  • The author or authors of the manuscript have not published any articles in the journal within the issue they aspire to participate in.
  • The submission of the manuscript is preceded by the provision of all personal and institutional information of the authors (metadata) in the order of appearance in the publication.
  • The number of authors of the manuscript is less than or equal to three. In case of exceeding this limit, an exception (properly justified) has been requested from the Editorial Committee, and a favorable response has been received.

Author Guidelines

Article Processing Charges or APCs

There are no article processing charges involved in the submission, review or publication of manuscrits in the journal.

Original Research Paper

This section includes articles of original research that present, in detail, original results from completed or ongoing research initiatives or projects. The structure of the empirical article generally consists of five fundamental sections: introduction (including the issue and research question(s)/objective(s) of the study), theoretical framework, methodology, results, and conclusions.

Artículo teórico

This section includes research articles focused primarily on the development, elaboration, or evaluation of theoretical constructs, conceptual models, or the critical review of existing theories, approaches, or perspectives in the field of education. The structure of a theoretical article generally consists of four fundamental sections: introduction, theoretical framework, exposition of ideas, and conclusions.

Review Paper

This section includes literature review articles in which authors provide an overview of a thematic field (trends, approaches, research advances) through a rigorous analysis of bibliographic sources. The fundamental sections of a review article will depend on the documentary research approach that is assumed.

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