Pre and in-service EFL teachers: metacognition awareness, cognitive styles, and personality traits




Teacher training, metacognition awareness, cognitive styles, personality, English as a Foreign Language


This article presented a correlational, non- experimental and cross-sectional study  conducted in Chile. The purpose of the  study was to explore the relationship  between cognitive styles and personality  traits with metacognitive awareness of  students in their professional practicum and  novice teachers of English as a Foreign  Language. The data came from three  questionnaires administered to 55 students  in their professional practicum and 18  novice teachers. Some of the results  indicated that in both groups of participants  the systematic style stood out  over the intuitive style, and that personality  traits did not appear to be a significant  variable related to metacognitive  awareness. Only one personality trait,  psychoticism, was related to the declarative  knowledge of metacognitive awareness in  the group of novice teachers. This research  called for the integration of psychological  and cognitive developmental aspects in the  preparation of English as a Foreign  Language Teachers. 


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How to Cite

Quintana Lara, M., Ramos Leiva, L., Díaz Larenas, C., Tagle Ochoa, T., Riquelme Sanderson, M., Alarcón Hernández , P., & Leiva Gutiérrez, J. (2022). Pre and in-service EFL teachers: metacognition awareness, cognitive styles, and personality traits. Ducere. Revista De Investigación Educativa, 1(1), e202213.



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