Chilean and American students in an interview project in English


  • Carolina Astudillo Universidad Arturo Prat
  • Hernan Pereira Universidad Arturo Prat
  • Karen Jogan Albright College
  • Roger Gee Holy Family University



Teaching innovation, language teaching, authentic material, culture, linguistic competence


This article is based on a teaching innovation project where Chilean and American students participated in the creation  of a textbook (Voices for global communication) which  includes interviews to English native language speakers. It  presents conversations with genuine American spoken  English to be used in ESL teaching at the intermediate or  pre-advanced level. This work aims to respond in which form it is possible to create a didactic resource based on  what we know as authentic material in learning a second language, Larsen-Freeman (2011), Celce-Murcia (2014). The  theoretical basis is presented through the specialized  literature that describes and analyzes how useful is to  appreciate culture, to read, to understand, to write, and to  talk the language (variant) that is used by real people in  daily life contexts in English speaking countries, Díaz Rico (2008). At the same time, the stages in which the project was developed are described, training Chilean college  students to interview in English, the discourse analysis of  the dialogues, activity design for the book, and the  evaluation of the impact of the project through a  questionnaire, checklist and focus group applied to the  students who had the role of interviewers. The results shed light on the methodological strategies for the development of linguistic competence in Chilean university students,  mainly those which are necessary to interview and interact with English native speakers, in this case, through a book  that intends to promote cultural understanding and  tolerance through the activities designed for its use.


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How to Cite

Astudillo, C., Pereira, H., Jogan, K., & Gee, R. (2022). Chilean and American students in an interview project in English. Ducere. Revista De Investigación Educativa, 1(1), e202212.



Original Research Paper